Press Release 9-29-17 TLR and OCHS Partner with Ouray County to Preserve Historic Sites The Corkscrew Turntable ruins and the Silverton Railroad right-of-way have long been popular destinations for hikers and history buffs. Those historically significant properties in the Red Mountain Mining District will be permanently conserved and protected under a new management plan between Ouray County and the Ouray …
Management Plan – Corkscrew Turntable, Mona Queen and Little Mona Patented Mining Claims
In September 2017, the County of Ouray accepted donation of 100% fee title and mineral interest in two patented mining claims in the Red Mountain Mining District, so that the historic Corkscrew Turntable, and a portion of the historic railroad grade of the Silverton Railroad contained within the two properties could be permanently conserved and protected in the state they …
Memorandum of Understanding Between Ouray Silver Mines and The Trust for Land Restoration
WHEREAS Ouray Silver Mines (hereinafter referred to as Ouray Silver) is a Ouray County mineral extraction company that currently owns several mining claims in Ouray County and anticipates that it may acquire additional mining claims in Ouray County; and WHEREAS Ouray Silver is interested in protecting mineral resources in Ouray County, avoiding conflicts between mineral extraction, safety for recreational activities, …
Management Plan – Garard/Red Mountain Property
MANAGEMENT PLAN For GARARD/RED MOUNTAIN PROPERTY Red Mountain Mining District Ironton, Ouray County CO MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATE MARCH 18, 2016 In 2002, as part of the Red Mountain Project, Ouray County acquired thirteen (13) patented mining claims and 10 town lots in and near the historic Ironton Townsite, in the Red Mountain Mining District of Ouray County, Colorado. The State …
Environmental Site Assessment – Yankee Girl Claim
Click below to access the Environmental Site Assessment for the Yankee Girl Claim Phase I ESA – Yankee Girl Claim
Annual Report 2010
2010 ANNUAL REPORT “There can be no purpose moreinspiring than to begin the age of restoration, reweaving the wondrous diversity of life that stillsurrounds us.” —E.O. Wilson OUR 10TH ANNIVERSARY! NEWS FLASH! JULY 2011: YOUTH CORPS HELP SAGE-GROUSE PLACERVILLE: Thanks to a grant to TLR from Great Outdoors Colorado, and an extra special effort by Leigh Robertson of the San …
Annual Report 2009
2009 ANNUAL REPORT “There can be no purpose more inspiring than to begin the age of restoration, reweaving the wondrous diversity of life that still surrounds us.” —E.O. Wilson 2009 Highlights 1) 2009 dominated by our work with the Town of Rico and Atlantic Richfield Corporation to clean-up mining-contaminated soils within the Town; 2) Telluride Foundation grant and US Forest …
Annual Report 2008
2008 ANNUAL REPORT “There can be no purpose more inspiring than to begin the age of restoration, reweaving the wondrous diversity of life that still surrounds us.” —E.O. Wilson YOU NOW OWN TWO RED MOUNTAIN MINING CLAIMS WHOISTLRANDWHATDOWEDO? IS IT TIME TO ADD A GOOD SAMARITAN PROVISION TO THE CLEAN WATER ACT? EXPANDED COOPERATION AIDS HOWARD FORK A BIG THANKS …
Annual Report 2007
Annual Report 2007 “There can be no purpose more inspiring than to begin the age of restoration, reweaving the wondrous diversity of life that still surrounds us.” —E.O. Wilson SILVER LAKE MILL IN SAN JUAN COUNTY Introduction to TLR The Trust for Land Restoration (TLR) — a non-profit land trust based in Ridgway and working statewide — is recognized as …
Annual Report 2006
“There can be no purpose more inspiring than to begin the age of restoration, reweaving the wondrous diversity of life that still surrounds us.” —E.O. Wilson YANKEE GIRL MINE AS SEEN FROM US HIGHWAY 550 SCENIC OVERLOOK Yankee Girl Mine Saved by Local Hero! Montrose’s Mark Young Buys Threatened Mining Property, Conservation Easement with TLR Assures Permanent Protection, Stabilization …