Twenty Four Years and Counting!

Our Mission: To preserve and protect significant scenic landscapes and historic sites in the San Juan Mountains of Southwest Colorado.
Trust for Land Restoration is a non-profit consulting group and land trust recognized as the leader in facilitating mining companies, regulators and people in the environmental community to cooperate to achieve restoration and conservation of environmentally significant sites.
Trust for Land Restoration is a non-profit consulting group and land trust recognized as the leader in facilitating mining companies, regulators and people in the environmental community to cooperate to achieve restoration and conservation of environmentally significant sites.

There can be no purpose more inspiring than to begin the age of restoration, reweaving the wondrous diversity of life that still surrounds us. E.O. Wilson
The GoalStatewide network. Local impact.
The Trust for Land Restoration’s mission is to heal the last worst places by restoring, conserving and protecting environmentally significant lands degraded by mining or other human activities.
We are a statewide partner to citizen groups, local governments, and state and federal agencies seeking to cleanup and conserve abandoned mine sites in their communities.
We are a local land trust, focusing on easement and fee acquisition projects in Ouray, San Miguel, and San Juan Counties that other land trusts may lack the expertise or time to undertake.

The DetailsThese practices outline the minimum steps necessary for TLR to evaluate and manage risk associated with the acquisition, restoration and conservation of contaminated sites.
Step 1: Project Selection Criteria
The Trust for Land Restoration will apply a defined process, including written criteria, for selecting land and conservation easement acquisitions that will result in environmental and public benefit.
Step 2: Extreme Due Diligence
TLR will obtain a professional, competent and thorough Environmental Assessment for each transaction, taking appropriate steps to identify the existence of hazardous or toxic materials affecting the property and maintain permanent records documenting those steps.
Step 3: Federal and State Regulatory Review and Approval
TLR will obtain professional legal representation and engage appropriate Federal and State regulatory review of each proposed transaction.
Step 4: Full Disclosure
TLR will fully disclose to all pertinent parties, including donors, sellers and government regulators, any and all information related to a particular transaction.
Step 5: Risk to Benefit Analysis
TLR will analyze existing or potential problems, prior to completing an acquisition, and will either take corrective action or make a determination that the conservation values can nevertheless be restored and protected and that the benefits outweigh the risks.
Step 6: Full Board Consensus
The Trust for Land Restoration will only complete a transaction after review and with full consensus of its Board of Trustees and Advisors.
The TeamMeet our board of directors.

TLR has completed a marketing plan and funding analysis that identifies a variety of sources and resources sufficient to sustain operating and project specific financial needs

TLR has developed an organizational structure that allows for management of legal and liability issues sufficient to undertake needed projects.

TLR works with local, state, and federal governments to evaluate applicable laws, regulations and policies particular to each proposed acquisition.